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Protect Our Earth

These projects span various verticals including periodic maintenance of green patches within concrete jungles to setting up sustainable schools for Tribals in the remote parts of the state. CATES teaches, practices and demonstrates to love and live with mother nature.
These projects span various verticals including periodic maintenance of green patches within concrete jungles to setting up sustainable schools for Tribals in the remote parts of the state. CATES teaches, practices and demonstrates to love and live with mother nature.
All CATES projects are placed in proximity to regional tourism public / private hotspots in line with the Centre’s ambitions to develop projects which promote regional tourism in Kerala. CATES has also successfully organized several educational and recreational programs at various tourism hotspots across the state under the theme; "Travel to Learn". These one-of-a-kind journeys transform the entire learning experience into life lessons with great levels of satisfaction. While nature is largely avoided in the current tourism scenario, this unique learning curve yields a love for mother nature along with exquisite wisdom of knowledge.
While organizing educational and construction projects in pace with nature, we are keenly focused on maintaining and preserving the natural habitat to its fullest. CATES has been undertaking design, execution and maintenance of modern bio-parks and other agricultural initiatives which are in line with nature.